Monday, October 7, 2019

Descriptive statistics in PSPP

Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics are used to summarize a given data set. We have two types of descriptive statistics.
  1. The measures of central tendency: It includes mean, median and mode.
  2. The measures of variability (spread): It includes standard deviation, variance, minimum and maximum variables and the kurtosis and skewness

Descriptives command 

In PSPP the Descriptives command is used to find out measures of central tendency and measures of variability.


1. Create a dataset
2. Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Descriptives...
3. Add varibles for analysis 
4. Select statistics and press ok

Sample (Math Score) :    99.00,    98.00,   105.00,   102.00,   103.00,   130.00,   125.00,   122.00,   133.00,   128.00


Frequencies command

It is is used to create descriptive statistics such as Frequency tables, central tendency and Graphs (Histogram, Bar charts & Pie charts).


1. Create a dataset
2. Analyze-> Descriptive Statistics-> Frequencies...
3. Add varibles for analysis 
4. Select statistics 
5. Select Charts and press ok

Sample (Math Score) :    99.00,    98.00,   105.00,   102.00,   103.00,   130.00,   125.00,   122.00,   133.00,   128.00


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